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Turf Tips

Yellow Patch

Yellow Patch is most prevalent from late fall to early spring when temperatures are less than 60°F (16°C). It occurs in areas that receive more than 10 hours of leaf wetness for several days in a row and on turf that has excessive thatch and high nitrogen levels. Learn more about how to manage and prevent Yellow Patch here.

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Winter Damage

Your lawn is made up of cultivated plants struggling to grow in a harsh winter climate. Learn how winter conditions can damage your lawn and how to reduce lawn damage.

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White Grubs

White grubs (European chafer, May and June beetles) are small, plump, white larvae which viciously chew on grass roots. They live below the soil surface and actually chew off the roots of the grass. Learn more about White grubs and how to control them here.

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Watering Instructions

Proper watering of your lawn is essential to keep it healthy and looking its best year-round. Learn proper watering techniques in our FAQ.

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Summer Dormancy

Dormancy is one of the mechanisms nature has developed to help plants survive stressful conditions. Summer dormancy occurs in a lawn when grasses are exposed to an extended period of heat and lack of moisture during mid-summer. Learn the signs of summer dormancy and how to avoid it here.

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Topsoil is the foundation of all plant health and plays an important role in how nutrients are available to the turf. Learn more about how to keep your topsoil healthy here.

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Rusts are considered a minor disease on turfgrass in North America. Learn more about what types of grass are most susceptible, symptoms of rusts, and how to control and prevent rust here.

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Red Thread

Red Thread is a parasitic form of plant life called fungi that live in the soil, thatch and dead leaves year-round. Learn what causes Red Thread and how to prevent it from attacking your lawn here.

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Quackgrass, sometimes referred to as couch or twitch grass, is a perennial field grass that is found in home lawns. Learn how to identify if your lawn may be infected with Quackgrass and how to control it.

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Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a damaging disease of bluegrasses and fescues. Learn what causes Powdery Mildew, its symptoms, and how to prevent it from controlling your lawn.

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Plant Nutrition and Fertilization

There are several types of plant fertilizers to choose from—but which one is the right one for your lawn and plants? Learn more about how to choose a fertilizer here.

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Nutsedge is a common weed found in many home lawns and other turfgrass areas in the United States. Learn more about Nutsedge, how to manage it, and what Weed Man and DeVries Landscape can do to help!

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Necrotic Ring Spot

Necrotic Ring Spot is a disease that takes the form of perfectly shaped rings of yellowed out grass with healthy grass growing within the ring and is very difficult to control. Learn the signs and symptoms of this disease and how DeVries Landscape can help control it.

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Mowing Tips

Mowing the lawn can be more complicated than it would seem. Learn how to properly mow your lawn, when to mow, and optimum conditions to maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn year-round!

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Leaf Disease

There are several types of leaf diseases that you may notice take over your leaves in certain conditions. Learn about some of these leaf diseases and how to take control of them here.

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Moles are a common problem for lawn damage, but there are steps you can take to ensure moles do not dig up your landscaping. Click here to read more about mole behavior and how to control mole damage.

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Midwest Lawn-Care Tips

Living in the Midwest means you (and your lawn) experience a wide variety of weather conditions—extremely cold winters and humid summers. Learn more about the types of turf, soil, and common insects and lawn diseases you may encounter in the Midwest.

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Fairy Ring

Fairy Ring is a troublesome and annoying fungus that infects lawns across the country. Learn the signs, symptoms, and treatments for Fairy Ring here.

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Dog Spot

Animals, especially female dogs, can cause considerable damage by urinating on a lawn. Learn more about how to identify Dog Spot and how to keep it under control.

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Difficult to Control Weeds

There are several common weeds that can overtake your lawn. Learn more about a few of these types of weeds and how to prevent weed problems from overtaking your lawn.

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Cutworm & Sod Webworm

Cutworms and Sod Webworms can cause much damage to your lawn. Learn the signs of an insect infestation and how to control infestations of these insects.

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Crabgrass is a troublesome weed grass that turns thick, lush, green lawns into thin, weak, patchy lawns. Learn how to identify and treat Crabgrass in your lawn!

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Chinch Bugs

Chinch Bugs are small insects, which live in and feed on lawn grasses. Learn how to identify if your lawn is infested by Chinch Bugs and how to control and prevent infestations.

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Bluegrass Billbug

The Bluegrass Billbug is a weevil that occasionally causes extensive damage to home lawns in Michigan. Learn more about how to identify an infestation and how to control it on your lawn.

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Armyworms feed on the grass anytime during the day and are known for their voracious eating habit. Learn about Armyworm signs and symptoms and how to control Armyworm from overtaking your lawn here.

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Mechanical Core ​Aeration

Core aeration is the removal of small cores of soil and thatch from your lawn. Learn the benefits of core aeration, how it's done, and when to aerate your lawn with the help of DeVries Landscape Management.

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Get a Quote

Are you ready to elevate your curb appeal? DeVries Landscape is here to exceed your expectations with all your lawn and landscaping needs. Click below to get a free quote ASAP!


Main Service Areas

DeVries services the greater Grand Rapids area with the finest commercial and residential outdoor care. Service areas vary. 

Contact us at 616-669-0500 for more information.

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Hudsonville I Aug. '19

Turf Tip

Mowing Tips

Mowing the lawn can be more complicated than it would seem. Learn how to properly mow your lawn, when to mow, and optimum conditions to maintain a healthy, beautiful lawn year-round!