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Turf Tips

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Watering Instructions

Proper Watering Techniques & FAQ

Watering properly is much more an art than a science. When watering turfgrasses, wet the soil to a three-to-four-inch depth. Normally, this should create enough reserve moisture in the soil that you will not need to water again for two to four days depending upon rainfall amounts if any. It is best to water a lawn heavily and infrequently. One common mistake with irrigation systems is that too much water is applied every day, which can lead to disease problems during the summer.

Determining moisture depth

To determine the soil moisture depth, use a screwdriver or a garden trowel. Push it into the soil and if you meet little resistance, then the soil is wet. If it does not push easily into the soil, then additional water will be needed.

How often should I water my lawn?

Regular waterings are better than a light sprinkling. Your lawn needs a minimum of 1½ inches (3-4cm) of water weekly depending on soil type, wind and rainfall amounts. This will encourage strong healthy roots. Sandy soils will need to be watered more often than clay soils, but less water is needed to wet a sandy soil to the four-inch depth. Heavy watering results in waste and promotes lawn problems, e.g. disease.

When is the best time to water?

Early morning is the best time to water. Midday watering—during hot, dry weather—can waste water, since much of the water evaporates. Evening watering promotes the spread of disease.

What are the symptoms of drought?

The symptoms of drought begin with a dark silvery tinge to the grass blades. At this point, your footprints become clearly visible. If action is not taken to correct the problem, the grass plants will die and turn a straw color.

If your lawn shows symptoms of drought, water it immediately regardless of time of day.

What is the best way to water a hill?

An easy way to water hills is to use a soaker hose with the water holes turned down towards the ground. Flood the hill until puddles appear at the bottom. Ask your local Weed Man for watering recommendations.

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Are you ready to elevate your curb appeal? DeVries Landscape is here to exceed your expectations with all your lawn and landscaping needs. Click below to get a free quote ASAP!


Main Service Areas

DeVries services the greater Grand Rapids area with the finest commercial and residential outdoor care. Service areas vary. 

Contact us at 616-669-0500 for more information.

Our Weed Man technician is doing a wonderful job and I am very happy with her communication regarding the lawn.


Holland I July '19

Turf Tip

Plant Nutrition and Fertilization

There are several types of plant fertilizers to choose from—but which one is the right one for your lawn and plants? Learn more about how to choose a fertilizer here.