Necrotic Ring Spot
Necrotic Ring Spot is a disease that takes the form of perfectly shaped rings of yellowed out grass with healthy grass growing within the ring. Fungi live in the soil, thatch and dead leaves all year round. These fungi feed off the grass by drawing valuable nutrients from it. Necrotic Ring Spot spreads throughout the lawn in the form of spores.
As a result of its appearance, the disease is also referred to as “frog-eye." Affected areas will also have a sunken appearance to them.
How does Necrotic Ring Spot develop?
The disease first attacks very early in the season and becomes especially visible during warm weather. Necrotic Ring Spot usually attacks sodded lawns but may also attack seeded lawns in both sun and shade.
Can Necrotic Ring Spot be controlled?
Necrotic Ring Spot is a very difficult disease to control; many different fungicides have been tried over the years with little to no results. However, certain organic products can improve the situation slowly. Aeration in the spring and fall is helpful, as well as different types of renovations to introduce resistant varieties; however, the grass types usually don’t match.
A team of lawn-care experts like DeVries Landscape is your best bet to controlling diseases like Necrotic Ring Spot. Call us today and we will assist you with a plan to improve your lawn’s situation.