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Bluegrass Billbug

What is the Bluegrass Billbug?

Adult Bluegrass Billbugs are blackish-gray in color with a hard body that is about 3/16” (5 mm) in size. They can be distinguished by their long snout-like forehead. The adults survive in the thatch layer during the growing season. The adults may cause minor damage to the lawn by chewing holes in grass blades; however, the damage inflicted is minor compared to that of the larvae. During the spring and fall, the adults may frequently be spotted traveling along sidewalks and driveways.

Damage Caused by Bluegrass Billbugs

Bluegrass Billbug damage frequently resembles drought symptoms. Large areas of your lawn may appear wilted with a yellowish-brown color; however, it will not respond to watering.

Bluegrass Billbugs do the majority of damage while in their larvae stage. Larvae are legless with a fat, whitish body and brown head. They feed on the grassroots and stems, often cutting the roots and stems of the grass off, allowing the plant to be pulled up easily.

The Lifecycle of Bluegrass Billbugs

Bluegrass Billbugs require one year to complete their life cycle. They survive the winter as adults living in protected areas such as gardens. Early in the spring, they emerge wandering about the lawn. By late June, the females begin depositing their eggs in the lawn, whcih begin hatching in about two weeks. They feed on the grass plants while moving into the soil. Serious damage may occur in the summer.

If the problem is ignored, the brown patches will get larger and damaged areas will then fill in with weeds or crabgrass. The best time to control the Bluegrass Billbugs is when they are very young (June–July) before you are faced with severe damage. By early fall they begin to transform into adults to in the winter which is when they are extremely difficult to control.

Controlling Bluegrass Billbugs

Your Weed Man is a trained specialist. He can recognize the difference between a simple drought problem and a Bluegrass Billbug infestation. Your Weed Man uses materials that are applied carefully and precisely at the correct time to be most effective in controlling this lawn pest.

Call Weed Man and he will inspect your property free of charge! If you do have Bluegrass Billbugs, he can protect your investment in your property by promptly treating the problem. If your yellow patches are due to lack of water, he can advise you on correct watering procedures.

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Are you ready to elevate your curb appeal? DeVries Landscape is here to exceed your expectations with all your lawn and landscaping needs. Click below to get a free quote ASAP!


Main Service Areas

DeVries services the greater Grand Rapids area with the finest commercial and residential outdoor care. Service areas vary. 

Contact us at 616-669-0500 for more information.

I want to thank the lawn mowing technician that is doing my yard. He did an excellent job! We appreciate the time he took and the attention to detail. It made a world of difference!


Grand Rapids I July '19

Turf Tip

Bluegrass Billbug

The Bluegrass Billbug is a weevil that occasionally causes extensive damage to home lawns in Michigan. Learn more about how to identify an infestation and how to control it on your lawn.